Thursday, June 27, 2013


Welcome to It's Vintage Y'all. We're a vintage clothing boutique located in Sugar Creek, Georgia. We carry clothing and accessories from the 1930s through 1990s.


  1. Greetings from Kansas Ms. Pressey, My grandmom had a lilac Buick I especially loved, was promised until her youngest lush daughter, Aunt Doris, crashed it into a retaining wall because she claimed a bee was in there. More like a bottle of Crown Royal, anyway I love your books. I have purchased the 2018 one that just came out this month so when are the others due? When is Dylan going to pop the ? You tickle me, when I was a kid my shorts were called 'pettle pushers' yet no one younger than me knows what that is that I've met. I also believe that ghosts are among us.

  2. P.S. If you really love Vintage Fashion outside your books, you should high tail it to Manhattan Kansas where the Encore Shop, open 1pm to 4pm most the time unless some of the Senior women get ill, is open. The most amazing discoveries there and if you don't dress too fancy, so they think you are a millionaire, you can pick up quite inexpensively. So dress like a hobo & bring 5 bucks.

  3. PS PS-have a wonderful 2019. When will Pearl vacate that cat?
